Established Since 1958
Call: +91-98140-96207, +91-98141-94007 Follow us on:

About Us

image#9We at Charming chicken offer a pleasant, comfortable dinning atmosphere and an extensive menu of fine selection. Our aim is to provide you fresh, hygienically prepared and reasonably priced food made under the strict family supervision. We offer the warmest of welcomes with relaxing surroundings for the delightful break in your travels & offers both elegant and casual dinning.

Charming chicken is established in 1958, so it’s been two generations since we are serving customers. We only believe in word-of-mouth marketing and gained lot of popularity in the city by giving finger licking taste to our customers.

3 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Best place to take your family there,very good preparation.I love all their items specially Butter Chicken is the best..Be there At least once and enjoy the mouth watering food there

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